Monday, March 8, 2010

Julius Caesar's Will

WILL OF Julius Caesar
I, Julius Caesar, a resident of Rome, hereby make this Will and revoke all prior Wills and Codicils.

a. I was born on January 5 in Rome

b. I am married to Calpurnia, who I will refer to as "my spouse." We were married on August 31 in Rome.

c. I have no living children.

2. BENEFICIARIES: I give my property to the following persons:

One eighth of my earnings goes to my spouse. The rest of my earnings will proceed to go to each Roman in my town for they are deserving and have made me who I am. The title of King of Rome, assuming if I am so when I pass away, will be rewarded to my nephew, Octavius Caesar, for he will serve Rome with great pleasure and duty. My loyal friends, Mark Antony and Lepidious, shall be the senators to assist Octavius. I have great pride to all thee for their support and adoration towards Rome.
If any beneficiary under this Will does not survive me by 30 days, then I shall be deemed to have survived such person.
I appoint Octavius Caesar as Executor of my Will. My Executor shall have all powers granted by applicable laws of my state to carry out all provisions of this Will, may use provisions and procedures for the simplified handling of estates, and shall not be required to post a bond.
I, Julius Caesar, hereby sign this Will at Rome on this eighth day of March, 2010
Julius Caesar
Each of us hereby states, under penalties of perjury, that on this eighth day of March, 2010, in Rome we observed Julius Caesar who we know or who otherwise proved his identity to us, declare the above document to be his Will. He then asked us to serve as his witnesses and then signed the document in our presence. He appeared to be an adult, of sound mind and memory, and acting of his own free will, and not under any force or duress. We are now, immediately after he signed the Will, signing our names in his presence.

Mark Antony, Rome.

Octavius Caesar, Rome.

Calpurnia, Rome.

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